Archive for February, 2011


Safety Meeting………

February 28, 2011

There has been some concern about Alices’ safety since we posted her skateboarding.  Here is the proof that we are also concerned.  Behold “THE HELMET”!  Helmets are great when participating in super crazy extreme sports, and, around here, while eating spaghetti O’s.  I have outlawed the helmet being worn during bathtime, but for everything else it is fair game.  You try to take it away from her, good luck.

As you will see in the video below, helmets are also great for use during “Mary had a little lamb”.  Normally she finishes the song and claps, but when the camera is out she has to see herself ASAP on the replay.


Drum Roll Please…….

February 17, 2011

The terrible two’s are in full swing.  Nothing slows this kid down!  Our newest adventure is attempting to keep her safe, from herself!  Countertops?  Oh, she can climb them.

Skateboards?  Alice can “shred” with the best of them.

On a temporarily safer note, new baby is still safe and sound in the belly.  The anticipation is pretty thick at our house.


Prego Update

February 16, 2011

Sarah here. I’ve been told that I need to check in and provide a little info on how #2 is doing.

She is pretty strong! Her kicks and rolls continue to catch me off guard and can be seen from across a room. She hasn’t picked a favorite spot to snuggle up in as far as I’ve noticed. Alice liked to get wedged way up in my rib cage and I had to adjust my position or do my best to gently push her in the right direction. Boy was that a hint of things to come! Adjust our life and push (nudge, shove, drag) her in the right direction.

According to my weekly newsletter (without which I would have no idea how many weeks along I am) I am at 34 weeks. #2 is bout the size of an average cantaloupe.  For once these newsletters used a regular piece of food as a comparison. It’s usually something random like a Japanese cabbage, kumquat, or a large jicama. Helpful, I know.

The newsletter provided some piece of mind in that we’ve crossed the line where if #2 comes early, she will likely not have any long-term issues. This was definitely good to read this week because a co-worker who was due 2 weeks before me went in for her weekly appointment yesterday and was sent straight to the hospital for an emergency c-section. She and baby are doing fine, though baby was having a little trouble breathing. I hear her breathing is getting stronger by the hour. Best thoughts out to Verna and Jasmine!

I’ve been pretty lucky overall. No morning sickness or aversions to food (thank goodness for that), only occasional heartburn, and only an average craving for chocolate cake. Back pain gets to me, but interestingly enough, standing up at work has helped a lot.

I know we’ve been promising some belly shots for a few weeks now, but Alice is way cuter. Trust me.  Soon enough, I swear.

Next post: Nesting!



February 7, 2011

Pow! Hittin’ ya with a great picture right off the bat.  Sub zero temps are not gonna keep us from having a good time.  Vacuum cleaner rides are free, fun, and functional.  Alice can make anything fun, here is another one for good measure.

These next two are Alice’s favorite “snuggle buddies”, she likes to read them bedtime stories and tuck them in.

We are getting insanely close to baby number 2!  Alice is pumped about having a little sister.  The crib is all set up, the little tiny baby clothes are out of storage and the calm before the storm is not being taken for granted.  Belly picture will be up soon.

Adios mis amigos.